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Product number: 91356
Product information "Comedoextractor"
The Comedo extractor is made of stainless steel and is a perfectly developed skin care product for the safe and effective removal of comedones. When used properly, this hygiene tool leaves no marks or scars. Safe for autoclave sterilization. 
How to use
Detach the metal ends of the Comedo extractor and attach the pointed tip (or PhiBrows 1-Round Blade) on one end and the loop on the other. To remove comedones, move the loop end of the extractor over the area of skin that requires treatment, applying a small amount of pressure. The pressure will free up (extract) the contents of the comedo. The pointed tip (or PhiBrows 1-Round Blade) end may be used to more easily extract the contents of the comedo.


Product number: 91356

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